Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Group meeting 5

February 20, 2013

Today we looked through the questions we were advised to look at for the business plan.

What is your product? What is the ‘market’?
We would use abandoned or old buildings, for example office buildings no longer in use, and create minimalist dwelling spaces within.

Who are your ‘clientele’ (or might be in the future)? 
Students and young professionals.

What is your unique selling point (USP)? 

How does your business fit into the Nottingham community?
Office buildings aren't required, due to advanced technology. Also both universities in Nottingham have plenty of placement staff.

What is the local competition available to your potential clients?
A lot of companies are doing the same thing, but none are actually based in Nottingham. Even though we've been established for 2 years, we've already won a cosiderable amount of competitions in this field.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?  
(We said we would have one for each of the domain we are responsible for and a few for the company as a whole)

-Local based company
-Wide clientele
-Based on individual work, we've gained some reputation
-Experience in working with international companies
-Latest technology

-More or less similar background
-Need for outside help from experts in other fields
-We haven't been established for as long as other similar companies.

How will you justify commerciality? Where will you get funding?

What profits could you anticipate? 

What will be the costs (capital and running costs)?

How will you manage your company: private/public; ownership/partnership?
Private partnership.

How will you market/promote your company? 

What might be the implications of a continued recession?

How might you diversify or change course if needed? 

How might you expand your business activities?

What is your group /image/style? What is your design ethos? 

What evidence do you have of your own career development since graduation (your career plan)?

What is your attitude to sustainability and carbon reduction? 

What kind of an employer will you be?

How do you see the role of the professional institutions? (RIBA & CIAT)

Nicholas La Rosa

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